Jacques Duclossy is an enigmatic and talented artist, known for his original ambient dark drone music. Born and raised in a small town in northern France, Jacques has always had a passion for music and its creation.
At the age of 19, Jacques started experimenting with electronic music, drawn to its versatility and the ability to create immersive sound worlds. Over time, he developed his own unique style and began sharing his creations with the world.
His career as a DJ and producer of ambient dark drone music took off and, thanks to his innovative sound, he caught the attention of both the public and critics. His music has been described as hypnotic, mysterious and enveloping, with an emotional depth that captures the listener.
Jacques has become a reference point in the ambient dark drone music scene, collaborating with some of the most important names in the genre and performing at prestigious electronic music festivals around the world.
With a career that is constantly evolving and a constant dedication to the art of musical creation, Jacques Duclossy continues to explore new sound frontiers and to move his audience with each new production.